Dreaming Blue Skies VI


Measurements: paper size A3 29,7cm x 42 cm | 11.7 x 16.5 in / painting size 10 x 14 in
Material: French Paper 300grms – 140lb
Technique: Acrylic
Finish: Mate
Year: 2021


No Frame included.

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SKU: s_skies_02-1-1 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , ,


The sky, the sea, the sunset, the storms. In general weather phenomena has always given me a variety of emotions. These emotions inspired me to create paintings that would communicate their beauty and the connection I have with them.

Year 2021: summer.
Country: Argentina.
Tones: varied related to the sky and the sea, blue, dark grey, black, yellow, orange, white, etc.
Technique: Acrylic on  Watercolor French Paper 300grms.
Sensations: Awe, tranquility, calm, impact.


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